Other Wageningen events

Kung Fu Planta: when plants master self-defense

Past event - 2024
15 May Doors open at 19:40. Event from 20:00 to 22:00. Please be there before 20:00!
PROOST!, 5 Mei Plein 13, 6701 DW, Wageningen
Sold Out!

Plants are often thought to be vulnerable. However, when your roots make it impossible to run away, learning to defend yourself is essential to survive the many dangers that await you. And after millions of years of training, plants have mastered the art of self-defense!

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Come discover the world of plant defenses!

Kung fu, judo, karate… Have you always dreamed of learning self-defense, but always end up running away from your enemies? Plants never had this choice! Firmly rooted into the ground, plants cannot flee their hungry enemies and had to learn how to repel or eliminate them. Therefore, after 450 million years of martial training, plants have become masters of self-defense: between their impassable armors, their deadly poisons and their armies of bodyguards, plants are now small fortresses on which many enemies – whether large herbivores or tiny pathogens – have broken their teeth!

During this event, you will step into the endless war that oppose plants to the rest of the world and discover plants’ many enemies and defense strategies. For the time of a game, you will also play as a plant trying to survive and flourish in a hostile world.

Meet your amazing speaker

Dr. Cloé Villard
Postdoctoral researcher
Biosystematics group, Wageningen University and Research
EPS graduate school

Did you know? Plants are not as innocent as they look: every year, kids playing with the wrong plant end up in the hospital…

Thank you to our amazing sponsors!

KeyGene (gold sponsor)

The VLAG Graduate school (silver sponsor)

The EPS Graduate school and SESAM project (bronze sponsors)
Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.

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